Moneda acuñada en época de la guerra de Sertorio (80-72 a.C.) o posterior. La ceca se identifica con la Varea de los berones, localizada en el norte de Varea (Logroño) en el yacimiento prerromano de la Custodia (Viana). En la Varea actual se asentó un enclave militar en época de Augusto, que adoptó el mismo nombre que el núcleo prerromano que tenía cerca.

jueves, 12 de marzo de 2015

El pájaro sin alas VOS español (The Wingless Bird 1997)


Catherine Cookson's The Wingless Bird ()

Alternate title: The Wingless Bird, Exxon Mobil Masterpiece Theatre: The Wingless Bird

Review Summary

Based on the novel by Catherine Cookson, this made-for-TV drama, set in England shortly before the outbreak of World War I, concerns Agnes Conway (Claire Skinner), a beautiful young woman who works in her family's confectioner's shop. Agnes' natural beauty and spirited nature lead her into romantic entanglements with two men from a prominent family -- first Charles Farrier (Edward Atterton), then his brother Reginald (Julian Wadham) -- and later into a friendship with the Felton family, decent folks from a notoriously rough part of England, when her sister Jessie (Michelle Charles) falls in love with one of the Felton men. Produced for British television, The Wingless Bird was first shown on American television as part of the acclaimed PBS anthology series Masterpiece Theater. ~ Mark Deming, Rovi

Movie Details

  • Title: Catherine Cookson's The Wingless Bird
  • Running Time: 156 Minutes
  • Country: UK
  • Genre: Romantic Drama, Period Film

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